We are a kiwi (Jenny) and an Aussie (Matthew) currently bumbling across Europe on our bicycles. After one and a half years living in beautiful Scotland, we embarked on our journey at the end of May 2010, leaving on a ferry from Newcastle and arriving in Amsterdam where we started pedalling.

We want this blog to help keep our friends and family updated on our whereabouts and welfare, and we also hope it will be interesting and even useful to people interested in cycle touring / travelling. Also it will be nice to have a record of what we did. And it gives Matthew an excuse to do some biro doodles of our experiences as we trundle along.
We want this blog to help keep our friends and family updated on our whereabouts and welfare, and we also hope it will be interesting and even useful to people interested in cycle touring / travelling. Also it will be nice to have a record of what we did. And it gives Matthew an excuse to do some biro doodles of our experiences as we trundle along.